Magung Budiman Born in Pare-pare, Indonesia, January 28, 1997. A short film director and screenwriter. Has completed his film studies at PDD ISI Surakarta, ISBI SULSEL embryo in 2021. His short film entitled Rindu Tenggelam was the best film at the 2020 Puskat Film Festival, selected short story nomination at the 2020 Maya Cup and official selection for the 2022 monthly film festival. His film is entitled Melati Di Tapal Batas is Shortlisted on ReelOzind! Australia Indonesia Short Film Festival, Official Selection at Malaysia Mental Health film festival 2022 and has been shown in OTT named Bioskop Online.
He is also involved in the Makassar Seascreen Academy as curator/program coordinator in 2020, Curator of the IndiHome Short Movie Competition Telkom KTI in 2021 and jury of video/short film competitions in several local competitions.
At the end of 2021, he completed his intensive film programming class (PSBK, FFD Jogja). Currently he is continuing his postgraduate studies, working as a digital marketer and is also developing several short stories to produce that relate to traditions, culture, customs and locality such as in the films he has produced.